Reading information

 Kia Ora Kākano whānau, 

                                         It is likely you will see a big change in the reading books your child is receiving from this week. As you may be aware, St Marys is in the process of changing to a ‘structured literacy’ approach to reading. A consequence of this will be a change in the type and frequency of books being sent home. Each week the book will be targeting a specific reading/spelling rule that your child is learning to master. The books may appear too ‘easy’, however the focus is firmly on the particular rule being taught. 

On Mondays your child will bring home an activity sheet with words from the story. (There may be other activities that come home, focussing on your child’s individual needs).  These words can be sounded out and practised, with the actual book coming home near the end of the week. Repetition is the key to embedding the rule until it becomes automatic, so this book can be read over and over again.  At this stage they will be photocopied, however the quality will improve in the near future. 

Until your child has run through the Stage 1 portion of the programme they will not anymore be ‘classified’ as being at a particular ‘colour level’ of reading. Stage 1 is expected to last for the first 2 years of school. We are working on an alternative reporting system to show progress and next learning steps, aligned with our new programme. 

As a parent, you may wish to learn more about this approach and the Science of Reading. If you have questions, please feel free to find further information at:

 • Lifting Literacy Aotearoa 

Learning MATTERS 

iDeaL Approach 

APM Reports – At a Loss for Words. (Very interesting analysis of current methods of teaching reading)

Due to Covid we haven’t been able to schedule a parents information evening around the IDeal Structured Literacy programme. We hope to be able to set this up later in the year. 

If you have questions, please contact your classroom teacher.


Kākano Teachers


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